Saturday, August 22, 2015

Thai krathery are good

this is the video showing you how and why and what Krathery Thai will do in her free times. and it is funny  too. of course their lives and our lives are not so different .they love to dance and love to meet each other in their free times.they are happy to do so. they hardly join for drinking or alcohol. good na

Friday, August 21, 2015


funeral is a part of life of human beings as any human will die . when die the people whostill exist will do funerals for the dead for sending the dead to heaven or to good place of next live and one thing is that to make people reminded that life is short so let us do goood things

wife knows

This guy is sleeping in a room with another woman while his wife is in front of the room and calling him to open the door but didn't open for her. His wife notice that what's he doing and she was very angry and want to enter the room immediately 


this video is showing you on the world biggest anaconda founded in America's Amazon river. source:

Monday, August 17, 2015


Giant Snake Eats Man? Huge Snakes and Humans. Photos of giant snakes and stories of their man eating talents are widespread across the internet. Come take a look at a couple of the more popular ones to find out if snakes really are capable of killing and swallowing a human whole. source:

Thousands of fish stuck!!

Millions of fish stuck in one pool they don't go anywhere for finding food. day by day many people visit and give food to them. it is very good view and amazing fish who open mouse and fly and jump on the back. it can't see water that are full of fish they are hungry very much and sometime they bite together cause of food and much hungry.<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> source:

Saturday, August 15, 2015

an elderly monk did not fire

it is miraculously believed that a thai senior monk could not be fired at the funeral. see why??? source:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

RocketNews24 English

it is amazing to see how to create a gun. here it is so easy to make and easy to kill .w.w
Badass Full Metal Rubber Band Guns, We Visit Factory For Some ...

Badass Full Metal Rubber Band Guns, We Visit Factory For Some Shooting Practice-Rocketold24-

Posted by RocketNews24 English on Thursday, August 6, 2015

flirts girls

woman of the day and today are so flexible and like this vide is showing you on how the trick girls is
偷情篇臉書搞笑排行榜 ↓↓►標註朋友進來圍觀更歡樂!►按"讚"加入粉絲團!►分享每日新鲜笑料!
Posted by 臉書搞笑排行榜 on Wednesday, 3 June 2015

monkey helps monkeys

see this video i can not stop crying of pitiness. monkey is shock by electric and fall down to the track of train. his mother helps and helps.

Monkey saves the life of his electrocuted friend by resuscitating himA monkey saves the life of another monkey who fell unconscious after being shocked by electrical wiring on a rail track in India's northern city of Kanpur.
Posted by ONE TV Cambodia on Tuesday, 23 December 2014

playing circus

there is something unpleasant happens as the show is going on smoothly but what and why happened? source:

Friday, August 7, 2015

Lion Mating And Giving Birth

we used to see only human mating . so now we should see how wonderful the lion mating. it is so funny source:

This man plyaing his arm into a Crocodile stomach

the officer or so-called trainer is playing with the crocodile. is seems  dangerous a lot. So please not try to mimic this tactics as it needs more practice and more trains. if you mimic them, you will be very dangerous with the crocodile and you will be harmed and will be hurt. this video is showing you a entertainment. but pleas not try to do it.


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Boy miraculously survives hit by high-speed car

this boy is miraculously survives hit by a very fast car. and i could not beleive my eye. but he is survived. source:

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Rabbit Vs Snake.

do you ever see the fighting like this before . it is so amazing how a rabbit could bite the snake and kill a snake. source:

Girl Raised As A Bushman

super woman can stands on them. could not unsaying on this situations as it is wonderful things on the world source:

Monday, August 3, 2015

Tiger Attacks Man

it is so dangerous to play with the wild like this. so please not to attached with the wild animals like this.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How to stop an attacking dog

this video is showing you how to stop the attacking dogs on you. let us learn together to protect ourselves. source:

Wild Animals Caught Barehanded

this man is very powerful that he can catch the wild deer on only bear hands without any instruments and tool and he got the title of the wild. source: