Monday, November 23, 2015

sweet melody

she is very brave to come out in a clip to sing song. the song said that form the past she was a girl that innocent but now she is old enough for thinking and learning and not same a girl as before. she know how to behave herself and know how to act herself in a good way. for me , yes good.source:

plan to catch her husband

this clip show how a smart girl have technique to catch her husband. before her husband never accepted that he has another girl friend or he said he never slept with another girl at all. but this time his wife has talent to catch him up. what is going on. let us see.

it is a great show

this guy is showing something that we misunderstand on him. Ofcourse, by seeing the image , we understand that it is the chest of a girl for sure. but after watching the video we start to know that it is a boy of a school. it is funny right? how can he think and do like this. OMG

Sunday, November 22, 2015

good youth

this video clip is showing you on how to protect your self from dangers by using condom, it is about how important the condom is in our let the youth of the world use condom to get more benefit such as. it helps you to not have a lot of children. it save you from illness and many other good things if you  use condom.

nice chaisng police

this is showing you how a good police chasing a car and it is very nice sight seeing. it show how smart police trying to catch the culprit and it is the sample and example for those who are doing wrong things should not run away from police as police will catch you at the end.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

crazy program show

there are many of tv programs shows now. some program is good but some is not good. here the programs show of what i did not understand . what i see is there is a man tearing the shirt of girl to make style of modern shirt style. yes it looks nuce but how and why to do it on the programms.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

dog play arounds

Sometimes the best friend of human beings is animals and among all those animal , dogs are more favorable and after that is cats and some others pets. like in this video . a girl is playing a round with the dog. and the dog like to play with her very much. it's film created happiness to the viewer. do you have any frien as dog like this.  source:

Friday, November 6, 2015

Ghosts insided

Thailand is one of country to believe on Buddhism and other religions. In other religion it is one to believe on Ghost. That run in to human being , In face on this video it will show about ghost run in to young lady, when this ghost stay on her body. she is very strong and more power, even five men can't stop her action. she always moves and says but she doesn't know what she did. All her act no one know and understand of her. Simply human scare ghost because it is sour or feel, no body it can't see by eyes. But ghost afraid Buddhist monk it will run away when monk speech Pali or Buddha word. Like this lady, Five men bring her to monk speech and shower her with Pali. The ghost run a way soon.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

lift made him shocked

it is so funny that there is one couple is doing improper thing in the lift and accidentally  the door of the life is auto opening. the man is fainting by then as he so shy may be, while woman just wake him up in a hurry way. is it good to do like this in the public? i think no. you both should go in to your bed room better. and people m should not do like this na.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

do not just look outside body

when seeing  and not touching , should not believe and trust. sometimes what wee see is not what we understand , and sometimes they are so beautiful by looking far but when approached it is not that. in this clip a man is misunderstanding a pretty woman that he want to love. but when he is in side see  by closing to see , he was astonished . OMG


thief robs her

Today there are so many cases about the thieves and causing to murdering . in this clip just show you only small part of robbery and thieves that occurring on the roads in front of the room door and in the market. and so please be careful all the time when you outside or inside alike as there will unseen happened anytimes. if you do not protect yourself by care you will be lost and sorry for whole life.Top 5 vụ cướp táo tợn nhất trên đường phố 2015
Top 5 vụ cướp táo tợn nhất trên đường phố 2015. Xem để cảnh giác nhé các bạn ơi!Nguồn: Hi New Day
Posted by Khắc Việt Singer on Thursday, October 15, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

how dare they show love like this?

How can they make love in the publics like this. This video show about a group of young high school Thai involve with love in young age at the Mall. They do not join their class but they prefer taking their time in Mall to talk around with their lover. One boy sits and embraces his girlfriend who is standing without shy of people walking around. Even they look at them but they both still doing the same thing. how can they do like this it is not good . for me, students should not do like this.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Two person are doing improper thing on road

this video is showing you on the two person are doing improper things beside the road on the intersection. they are crazy to do like this on the public. just stop by the red color of the traffic. in mordern tisme there are alot of these things in the public, so here we want you to not do any ungood things on the road like this source:

Sunday, September 6, 2015

it is the most fiece for New students welcome

it is the university welcome for new students and there are many kinds of receipt of new students or the juniors.and ever year  there are different of activities the university do for the new students come. and this clip they are dancing very nice and cute and no problem at the activities.

Again USA release black foot balls into sea

the USA release a lot of black ball into the sea and why and what and where is up to you to see it or not. source:

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Flying Lion

in this world there ae many things that are not believable such as this case there is a lion flying into the air. source:

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

special on the road

when there is a very important and rush hour like this. what can you do? when there is no toilet and water closet around. and the stomach is working hard on that. if i was her i would do as her to stop a car and let my friend stands a long to check out and to protect me from others to see . do you agree on that.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Buffalo kills lion

we usually see lions the king of animal attacked all animals of the forest. but here it is not like that source:

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Thai krathery are good

this is the video showing you how and why and what Krathery Thai will do in her free times. and it is funny  too. of course their lives and our lives are not so different .they love to dance and love to meet each other in their free times.they are happy to do so. they hardly join for drinking or alcohol. good na

Friday, August 21, 2015


funeral is a part of life of human beings as any human will die . when die the people whostill exist will do funerals for the dead for sending the dead to heaven or to good place of next live and one thing is that to make people reminded that life is short so let us do goood things

wife knows

This guy is sleeping in a room with another woman while his wife is in front of the room and calling him to open the door but didn't open for her. His wife notice that what's he doing and she was very angry and want to enter the room immediately 


this video is showing you on the world biggest anaconda founded in America's Amazon river. source:

Monday, August 17, 2015


Giant Snake Eats Man? Huge Snakes and Humans. Photos of giant snakes and stories of their man eating talents are widespread across the internet. Come take a look at a couple of the more popular ones to find out if snakes really are capable of killing and swallowing a human whole. source:

Thousands of fish stuck!!

Millions of fish stuck in one pool they don't go anywhere for finding food. day by day many people visit and give food to them. it is very good view and amazing fish who open mouse and fly and jump on the back. it can't see water that are full of fish they are hungry very much and sometime they bite together cause of food and much hungry.<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> source:

Saturday, August 15, 2015

an elderly monk did not fire

it is miraculously believed that a thai senior monk could not be fired at the funeral. see why??? source:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

RocketNews24 English

it is amazing to see how to create a gun. here it is so easy to make and easy to kill .w.w
Badass Full Metal Rubber Band Guns, We Visit Factory For Some ...

Badass Full Metal Rubber Band Guns, We Visit Factory For Some Shooting Practice-Rocketold24-

Posted by RocketNews24 English on Thursday, August 6, 2015

flirts girls

woman of the day and today are so flexible and like this vide is showing you on how the trick girls is
偷情篇臉書搞笑排行榜 ↓↓►標註朋友進來圍觀更歡樂!►按"讚"加入粉絲團!►分享每日新鲜笑料!
Posted by 臉書搞笑排行榜 on Wednesday, 3 June 2015

monkey helps monkeys

see this video i can not stop crying of pitiness. monkey is shock by electric and fall down to the track of train. his mother helps and helps.

Monkey saves the life of his electrocuted friend by resuscitating himA monkey saves the life of another monkey who fell unconscious after being shocked by electrical wiring on a rail track in India's northern city of Kanpur.
Posted by ONE TV Cambodia on Tuesday, 23 December 2014