Monday, December 24, 2018


Monday, November 23, 2015

sweet melody

she is very brave to come out in a clip to sing song. the song said that form the past she was a girl that innocent but now she is old enough for thinking and learning and not same a girl as before. she know how to behave herself and know how to act herself in a good way. for me , yes good.source:

plan to catch her husband

this clip show how a smart girl have technique to catch her husband. before her husband never accepted that he has another girl friend or he said he never slept with another girl at all. but this time his wife has talent to catch him up. what is going on. let us see.

it is a great show

this guy is showing something that we misunderstand on him. Ofcourse, by seeing the image , we understand that it is the chest of a girl for sure. but after watching the video we start to know that it is a boy of a school. it is funny right? how can he think and do like this. OMG

Sunday, November 22, 2015

good youth

this video clip is showing you on how to protect your self from dangers by using condom, it is about how important the condom is in our let the youth of the world use condom to get more benefit such as. it helps you to not have a lot of children. it save you from illness and many other good things if you  use condom.

nice chaisng police

this is showing you how a good police chasing a car and it is very nice sight seeing. it show how smart police trying to catch the culprit and it is the sample and example for those who are doing wrong things should not run away from police as police will catch you at the end.